Researchers have found that alcohol, in small doses, can increase memory and concentration in older women and are investigating whether this can help prevent dementia (Drink a day protects aging brain, women’s study shows). This link is well known in … Continue reading
It is well known that patients with rheumatoid arthritis often get better when they’re pregnant. Now researchers are trying to find the mechanism at work in order to mimic it — minus the pregnancy (Pregnancy may hold arthritis key). Chinese … Continue reading
According to a new study, stress within the family may help trigger diabetes in children, as well as increase the progression of the disease in children who already have diabetes (Family stress linked to diabetes in children). This link is … Continue reading
Looking at over 3000 skeletons dating from about 5300 BC to the 19th century AD, researchers have found much more evidence of tuberculosis, syphilis and leprosy than of cancer, but cancer is far more common today than those other diseases … Continue reading
According to a recent survey, about one third of European cancer patients are using alternative and complementary therapies (Cancer alternative therapy trend). According to Chinese medicine, cancer is caused by excessive Earth, which is best treated with Wood-type therapies, because … Continue reading
In the Chinese system of cycles, there are several 60-day periods of high humidity every year. According to Chinese medicine, dampness increases the amount of mucus in the digestive system, which prevents normal absorption of food. This causes bloating, gas, … Continue reading
Researchers want to know why breast cancer is more common in industrialized societies, particularly among shift workers (Breast cancer mystery frustrates scientists). One theory points the finger at increased exposure to artificial light, which disrupts the body’s natural sleep and … Continue reading
This preparation helps to soothe sore throats and to reduce coughs over time. Results vary by individual. Preparation: Take 6 pears. If they’re not organic, peel them. Cut them into quarters, leaving the core in, and put them in a … Continue reading