Sex and sleep

According to a recent survey, 84% of “Modern mothers prefer a good night’s sleep to sex.” (In fact, the article is about how parents today are finding it very difficult to get enough sleep and some of the problems it causes. The article is worth reading for anybody who deals with new parents, bosses included!)

According to Chinese medicine, both sex and sleep are closely related to heart energy. Good heart energy means good sleep quality, and good sleep allows the heart to ‘recharge’, so to speak. When sleep is lacking, heart energy goes down.

Heart energy also determines libido: sex drive is higher when heart energy is up, lower when heart energy is down. This is why lack of sleep goes hand-in-hand with low sex drive.

To make matters worse, sexual activity decreases heart energy (but more so for men than for women). If heart energy is good, it’s easier for the body to recuperate from sexual activity, but if heart energy is low, it takes longer for the heart to recuperate. It is therefore important to let the body determine the frequency of sexual activity

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