A recent study found that diabetic women run a greater risk of dying from heart disease than diabetic men (Diabetes Heart Risk Higher for Women Than Men). According to Chinese medicine, women’s bodies generally tend to be more yin than … Continue reading
Tag Archives: heart
A recent Swedish study shows that drinking a bit of wine a day can help improve heart rhythms in older women (Wine ‘can protect women’s hearts’). As mentioned previously (Alcohol improves brain function), a bit of alcohol helps improve circulation … Continue reading
A Swedish study suggests that there is a direct link between dementia and body weight in men. This can be explained in terms of Chinese medicine. It believes that dementia is caused by reduced circulation, so it’s classified as a … Continue reading
Researchers have found that alcohol, in small doses, can increase memory and concentration in older women and are investigating whether this can help prevent dementia (Drink a day protects aging brain, women’s study shows). This link is well known in … Continue reading